Who’s Yari?

Hey! What’s up? I’m Yari.

One thing you should know about me is I’m NOT a fitness competitor, bodybuilder, or someone who spends their entire life in the gym and eating boiled chicken and steamed broccoli 6-7 times a day.

Hell, not even close! (I’m Puerto Rican and my family throws down in the cocina!)

I have nothing against people who dedicate themselves to that lifetsyle, in fact I have many friends that do that and they’re inspiring AF to me, it’s just not what I want.

I’m just an ordinary girl who wanted to take my flabby, flat body and turn it into something that could fill out a sundress and a pair of jeans (seriously).

Before getting started I want you to know a little bit about me and where I came from.


Being born in Puerto Rico my family and I struggled pretty bad to make ends meets.

Which is why, when I turned 6, we ended up moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to make a better life for ourselves. Growing up here wasn’t easy though especially because of the language barrier, financial difficulties, and constantly moving around from house to house. We had tons of love though, and we never gave up.

When I was 20 years old, I had my son, who’s the love of my life!  (He’s seriously amazing) 

But boy did he do some MAJOR damage to my body!!!

I packed on over 40 pounds, l lost my all curves, my butt and thighs had cellulite everywhere, I was unhealthy, and no matter how hard I exercised or how much I “dieted” to get back into shape — I just ended up looking worse. I was so frustrated!

So I turned to junk food … and in return I developed a low self-esteem and my confidence was totally gone! On top of that, being a single mother, working and going to school full time made everything that much harder.

I wanted more energy, I wanted to move around without feeling out of breath, but most importantly… I wanted my body back!

Growing up and watching my father develop diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and numerus health issues… I knew I didn’t want to head down that same path. I didn’t want that for my son either. He looked up to me. Everything I ate, he ate. Everything I did, he did. If I watched a movie and snacked on some peanut M&M’s, his cute lil’ butt was sitting right next to me doing the same. I couldn’t do this to him. I NEEDED to set an example for him and my family. I knew nothing was going to change, until I changed. So, I decided once and for all to break this chain that was holding me back.

So over the past 10 years, I’ve invested money, time, and energy into creating the best version of myself. Every day I continue learning, growing, and surrounding myself with some of the brightest health & fitness minds in the country! From the best trainers, to specialists, to nutritionist, and everyone in between.

I became obsessed with learning why some women could lose weight so quickly, while others would spend hours at the gym only to end up looking the same.

I wanted to know what didn’t work and most importantly what did work …. and I found it.

So I created a simple to follow program that isn’t only easy to stick with … but it’s insanely effective! My results and the results of my 110+ clients prove this.

I’ll be the first to admit, if you’re looking to enter a bodybuilding competition and get shredded muscles … than I’m NOT for you. I can point you in the right direction if those are your personal goals, but that’s not what I’m about.

What I am about is building a lean, toned body, flat stomach, and thick thighs with a booty to match!

I do this WITHOUT counting calories or eating every 2-3 hours. (Who the hell can stick to that? I’m a Mom and have a full-time job!)

I also DON’T do any cardio or spend hours in the gym. My workouts are short, intense and set up in a way that literally forces your body to release the right fat-burning and muscle-building hormones at the right time. (So many people do this wrong!)

Most importantly I live a normal life. I enjoy some drinks with my girlfriends once in a while, I go to BBQ’s and family Birthday parties, and if I feel like a large pepperoni pizza from Ned’s (my favorite spot) with some creme brulee’ from my Mom, I’m going to have it. I’m able do this once in a while WITHOUT gaining an ounce of fat because of how I trained my body to utilize these foods.

My program not only changed how I looked physically, but it transformed me into a whole new person. I’m talking spiritually, physically, and mentally. I have more energy than I know what to do with, I’m glowing again, and my son can barely keep up with me! Like I said … a whole new person. It feels AMAZING!

I’m just getting started. I’m still growing, learning, and testing new strategies to stay ahead of the curve, but this time I want to take strong, dedicated women with me.

I’m talking about YOU!

Seeing women use my tips & strategies to completely transform their bodies and lives is one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done. I’m addicted to it! Because I’ve been in their shoes. I know what they’re going through. They feel stuck, confused, sad, alone … they want to change but they just don’t know where to start. The good news is I have the answer, and I know exactly what they need to do in order to reach their goals quickly without making drastic changes to their lifestyle.

I look forward to pulling back the curtains and giving you a glimpse of what YariFit is all about. It just ain’t just a program, it’s a movement!

Whatever you decide, remember this: By investing into yourself, you’ll be lifting up others around you as well. So be positive. Spread love and be the change you want to see. You got this!


Yarinelly Narvaez

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