I Love Food


Who loves FAJITAS????
I do!!!!!
Sometimes we have no more carbs left to hit SOOOOO…..fajitas are my go to!
The macros in this meal are:
100 grams of PROTEIN in the form of Steak
30 grams of FAT in the form of Olive Oil

Quick and Tasty Chicken & Rice Recipe W/ Macros

In this video, I teach you how to make a quick and tasty chicken and rice recipe in less than 30 minutes!!!
The macros in this meal are:
100 grams of PROTEIN in the form of Chicken, 50 grams of CARBS in the form of Rice, 10 grams of Fat in the form of Cream Mushroom

Full Body Backpack Workout!

Met my New Workout Partner!! ? Plus A Backpack Workout That’ll Have Your Body Banging By Summer… ☀️?? ⁣
Here Are 28 Exercises You Can Do At Home With Only One Item! That’s Right…Your Kids Backpack (Or Yours)! Don’t Get It Twisted…

Tight and Toned At Home Fill Body Dumbbell Workout

Here are 7 exercises you can do using Dumbbells. No dumbbells? Improvise using anything from home (laundry detergent, gallon water…etc)⁣

Perform these exercises IN ORDER: ⁣

At Home “Killer” Workout (Well….That Won’t Actually Kill You) No Equipment Needed!

Gym Closed? Try this At home killer workout. No equipment needed! Things have changed up so rapidly due to the corona virus. Many places shut down, including the gym.
This quarantine can be very traumatic to all of us mentally.

The BEST Booty Dumbbell Workout You’ve NEVER Tried

For more tips and Tricks, Subscribe to:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVl…
IG: Yari_fit https://www.instagram.com/yari_fit/
Facebook: Yarinelly Narvaez (YariFit) https://m.facebook.com/yarinelly.narvaez

I Did a ZERO CARB Diet and This is What Happened!

For more tips and tricks, Subscribe to:
Youtube: YariFit (https://youtu.be/82ECNRSFNvU)
Instagram: Yari_Fit (https://www.instagram.com/yari_fit/)
Facebook: Yarinelly Narvaez

HIIT–Intense 20 minute Treadmill Cardio to BURN 9X MORE FAT!!

If you are looking to BURN FAT FAST and have your body burning calories EVEN AFTER your workout, THIS is the perfect cardio workout for you! -Warm up 5 minutes to get blood flowing in the body Then raise it to a speed that will CHALLENGE you. I do 9.5 speed with incline of 2.

6 Min Full-Body FAT MELTING Workout (No Gym Needed!)

This 6 minute full body workout will have you melting fat for hours!! Best things is that you can do it from ANYWHERE and did I mention….It only takes 6 minutes! Each exercise is 30 seconds with 30 second rest periods in between each movement. The workouts consist of:

The 2 BEST Exercises For Firm Thighs and Booty…..Ever?

Not enough time throughout the day to fit in your workout?
These Leg Workout is just UNDER 10 MINUTES and will have your legs burning GOOD!!
All you need are dumbbells!

#1 Protein Packed Breakfast To Burn Fat All Day Long (takes just 4 minutes!)

Start your day with this delicious healthy protein pancake recipe: All you need are:
1. Egg Whites 2. Half banana (optional) 3. Herbalife Protein Mix 4. Baking Powder 5. Sugar Free Syrup
